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Thursday, January 7, 2010

To My Dear Girlfriend

Baby, this post is for you. For the past one hour I've been trying to sleep as promised but i just can't. In this 1 hour, I've thought about you. I've thought about our future, our past, our present. I've thought of how unimaginably happy you've made me, how impossible it is for me to love anyone more than you. Dear Olivia Lee, you're all I can hope for and much much more. In this 7 years I've know you, not one night had I not prayed to God for your happiness and your health. Even when I was just another of your admirers, I didn't pray for God to make you love me, not once. All i asked was for your happiness whatever it maybe. And now that you're mine, you've done things to me that can never be described. The joy of spending every single second with you. Each time I breathe you in when I hug you. Every soft kiss that makes my heart beat faster. I didn't intend to make this post all mushy, I'm sorry, I'm just saying as it is. I don't want to be any other guy who says this but I can truly say it cause its true, You Made Me A Better Person. But it doesn't end there my love, you continuely make me want to improve for you. I remember one time, in class. It was probably Sec 3. You turned around and that one short sentence you said to me totally made my week. You said "You're future girlfriend is going to be so lucky." That line... Made me blush... I don't think you saw me but I did... Chris looked at me and made fun of me but that didn't matter. You actually said it... Of course like any other guy would I smiled... Like a freakin retard... I couldn't stop... You had me thinking about that exact scene of you turning around kinda frowning and telling me that line over and over again for over a week... There was this other time when we made that promise. It was in Year 2 if I'm not wrong. On MSN, we we're chatting. We made a deal, that by a certain age if both of us were still single, you'd take me as your husband and I would take you as my wife. I suggested 40 cause I didn't want to sound too eager and all. But you were all "So OLD? I was thinking more of 30." And there you have it. The promise you made me which I would never forget. By 30, if we were both single, I'd marry you and we'll live the happiest lifes together. Damn... You made me so happy that night... Sigh... Looks like we won't be needing that promise. Cause here I am officially making you another promise. That by the age of 23, I'd propose to you. I know we've been talking about it but I want you to know that I'm ever serious about it. Having a life with you would just be heaven. Right now I'm more in love with you than I've ever been. But its not going to stop there. With each passing moment with you by my side, I'd just love you more and more. For now, I'll be waiting patiently. For those two days... The day when you are finnaly mine, with the bells ringing and all, that perfect day, starting with seeing you walk slowly towards me down that aisle to finally holding you in my arms as we share our first night. And the other day would be after I retire and we take our first step into our dream house on that beach with you holding my already wrinkled hand. Just the two of us. With not a care in the World. All I would have is you, and all you would have is me. Not a thing to bother us, not a thing to keep us apart. When that day comes my World would cease to move and forever would be true. All we'd ever be doing is sharing our final years with each other as a happy old couple still deeply in love with each other. That being, our perfect ending. But before all that my dear tods, we still have a long journey to travel. A journey we will need to take together, hand in hand, from now till forever is true. With that my dear girlfriend, I love you.

The last stop

The boy who grew up loving you,

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 2:05 AM


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clinic Picnic

So today Olivia and I went to Tampines to this clinic right? SHEESH there is easily about 5 clinics around that place and everyone wants to go to this same clinic.... We entered the place at 7:30 p.m. They said the waiting time would be about 3 hours.... OR MORE!... AH SHUCKS since we went all the way there already why back out right? So we decided to wait... We ate dinner... took a long nap in a park bench... Next to 3 loud old (ah ma)s who sound more like a man than Stone Cold... Well at least she did. I was doozing off but never did sleep... Stoned for over an hour... Went to wait in the clinic... About 45 mins reading mags and what not... Went to take a short walk and ate Ice Kachang... Played with a SUPER FAT CAT.... Like super fat.... It made my basket ball look deflated... Then we went back to the park bench and watched the rest of our half watched Gossip Girl... We went back inside and waited.... And FINALLY... The electric box flashed the number 39... The speaker spoke in an electrical voice 39... YAY...... Its still not our turn though..... Our number was 40... So we waited for about I don't know...... 20 mins? Finally it really was our turn... blah blah blah.... Paid the cashier... Time Check... 12:30 a.m. took a cab home afterwards... Well the main reason why I wanna blog this post is because I wanna show you the picture of the MONTH!!! This was taken in the public toilet where we ate our dinner....

There.... Words can't describe things like this... heh heh... It is like seriously The Ultimate English Failure!!! Not only is the spelling wrong, whats with the question mark and exclamation mark... sheesh...... Well thats pretty much it... Until next time my pretties........ I Love You. TULA!!! *Theme Song for Art Attack plays while camera zooms out and credit starts roll*

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 1:31 AM


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jalan Raya

Well... I feel like blogging i guess... So here it is...
Today I went out with Olivia's classmates to Jalan Raya. There was like 12 ppl... Super crowd of Nomads... Went around pigging out... Oh yea... Here's some shocking news for those who knows me. I have been jogging... lol lets see how far... I'm going into Google Map now... hold on.... hold on.... hold on.... hold on.... about 3.7km... took me about 23 minutes sia... hmm this means i'm still behind time if i ran 2.4km... Darn Napfa..... Wait... How'd I digress so much? Oh yea.. I've been pigging right... I guess today I probably gained all my weight back.... Awful.... Awful... Lets see... Have been wanting to take Muay Thai Lessons.... Went to this Dojo in POMO mall... Its behind The Cathay... Aparrently they would not disclose the price of the lessons until we took the free trail lesson... So my sister and I went... After the free trail lesson.... We started to discuss the prices with the vice president of that gym... OMG!!!!!!! The price is INSANE!!! just for enrolment fee........ $309... Processing Fee which i have no idea wtf it is... $99... Then monthly is $249... Its a 1 Year thing... So total cost would be... $3396... Crazy buggers... So we decided to go to the other one... We're gonna try the free trail lesson also... Enrollment fee is line only $15..... Each month like... $80.... Wtf sia..... So much cheaper... Yea so thats pretty much it... Well... Gonna go now... Gotta practice something... Well until next time... TULA.... *Theme Song of Art Attack starts to play*

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 12:02 AM


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well Ello Poppet... I'm here to revive the blog of which had died and gone to heaven where it has eaten many buffets... YES... I share the same dream that in heaven... There'll be buffets... oh not just any buffet... It'll be like, a whole Country of Buffet where we will eat eat and eat... And never grow fat. Nice huh? Well anyways... I don't got nothing to do here so I thought I'd drop by and write, well type this in... Yesterday just went for last minute blood donation in yishun. Damn... The needle was HUGE. It could fit a WHOLE tread... Yea it wasn't that big... Ok anyways gtg... Cya

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 4:57 PM


Friday, May 15, 2009

The Race To Evolution!!!

Ladies and gentlemen!! The Race to evolution is on!!!! Here we have the female primeape running and running to evolve to a normal human. As you can see, she is on her 4 out of 5th stage to become.. The Next Human being. Run Primeape RUN!!!

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 10:03 PM


Friday, March 13, 2009

Vroom Vroom Vrrrooooooooooooooo*dies*

As you may know. I like to start my blog post with famous verses. This time I believe its suitable to use.
Anyways today was my first driving lesson. Todays record is HI SWEETS. 4 squirrels 5 reindeers 8 ferraris and 2 buildings. Horrible sia... In the middle of the road my engine kanna over clutched... like the whole engine offed LOL.... bad bad bad... 5 times i think... shit.... yea thats about it.. heh heh happy 3rd month sweets.

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 10:00 PM


Monday, November 3, 2008

Just Another Blog Post Which Doesn't Make Sense

This Doesn't Make Sense...

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 12:14 AM


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yearbook Yourself

A couple of days ago, my friend showed me this website. its called http://www.yearbookyourself.com/

And its this real cool website that allows you to upload any pic and change the hairstyle.. heh heh I used my dog's pic...

Hahahaha ain't they just adorable? lol....Nasty eh? well yesterday me sis asked me to use someone's pic... HU is it? I don't know... Yea it was freakin hilarious hahaha...

Right now I'm in school... Reached here at 7 a.m. heh.. Class starts at 8. Hitched a ride from me mumsy.

Just got news my timetable changed... WTF? I never thought they'd change like in the middle of a sem... Freak.. I hate changes... Anyways thats about it... I'mmmmmmmm oooouuuuuuuuttttttttt........

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 7:08 AM


Saturday, October 18, 2008


School..... Is.... Boring..... I hate studin... My brain is sooo not made for it... Bugga... Can't wait til i'm out of school... Although Business Law seems interestin... I don't think i can memorise much about it... Never could... Everything I wanna do... Gotta wait... wait.... wait.....
Anyways today decided to try this cocktail called Majita... I've never drank so much alchohol in my life.... Shit sia... freakin vomitted 3 times... Well more of 2 and a half cause the third one was like so little hahaha... So that ends the last of my drinkin adventures... I feel so pathetic sia... 1 glass also vomit alrd.... Well nothing else to say... Later......

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 1:51 AM


Thursday, October 9, 2008

End of TEP

Tommorrow is gonna be the last day in BSU... Honestly, I'm not glad at all... Its kinda saddening actually cause i really enjoyed the conpany there... Everyone in the room was soooo weird in their own way that its fun there... Like this girl... I won't mention who but she just can't take a photo with her head straight.. heh heh And this other one who is so perverted and is totally a living breathing Taipei 101... hahaha
Anyways... At first I was so reluctant to go to BSU... I've heard about the amount of reports that needs to be written... I've heard about the many hours of just staring into a com until you get hypnotised by it... Now?
BSU is awesome... Couldn't wait to go back there the next week... I just wish that I'll still see my attachment friends... EXCEPT... SHE WHO CANNOT BE NAMED... (Nat, Joe, Erin and the rest of you guys... I bet you know who I'm talkin about...) heh heh SHHHHH
Well moving on... Yesterday I went Sentosa, had a shit load of fun... Like a freakin LUMP of fun heh heh notice the emphasis on LUMP! ok sry... Anyways... Afterwards we went Nat's house for bbq where it almost rained... I drank so much....... Oh man i kinda felt guilty.... It was like freakin TWO WHOLE sips... Oh man... lucky I didn't get hung over like a certain building... heh heh
Well I'll post the sentosa pics when I receive em...
Tml LAST AND FINAL FORMAL PRESENTATION... wish me luck.. Until next time... TULA
*Art Attack theme song plays*

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 9:49 PM


Sunday, October 5, 2008

What I Do In Attachments

Here is another video of what i do in BSU.. But SHHH don't tell anyone...

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 12:07 AM


Friday, October 3, 2008


Here is the video i made.. Its a documentary of all my members heh heh... Enjoy...

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 11:44 PM


Monday, September 1, 2008

Growin Up

When i was a kid, i never liked growin up... The idea of us changing... Shit! Hated it... I hated change, well i kinda still do... When i was about sec 4, I really really didn't want anything to change. I used to live in this day dream that nothing will ever change... Now? I'm kinda eager to grow up even more... I mean like I'm extremely curious what my future job will be like, will i ever get a girl who i love and loves me back? Will my mom still be living with me when i'm an adult?(please noooo) Will i end up staying in Teck Whye? Or even still stay in Singapore? So many Questions... Only one way to find out.... Wait..... And Thats exactly what i'm gonna do... Wait..........

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 1:21 AM


Monday, August 25, 2008



Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 9:28 PM


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dream a lil dream of NIGHTMARES!!!!

Last night i decided to sleep at about 1 cause i'm tired and i gotta wake up in the mornin... heh anyways... first i slept at 1 and had this bad dream... can't remember wad it is but i woke up at 230... lol anyways after that i went to sleep again... and this one.. it is one of the scariest dreams i ever had... Well it all started off with me being a secret agent and i gotta protect this lady see... but this bitch apparently backstabbed me and shot me 4 times... (with some lousy ass gun) anyways... i knew i was diein... there's the scary part... have you ever thought it'd be nice to live like your dieing... like you'll finally dare to do all the things you wanted but never dared... like jumpin off a plane with a parachute.. or so so so many more... anyways.. knowin that you'll die in a couple of hours is a totally different thing... I've never been that scared before knowin i'll die and there is still so many things i wanna do... freakin sucks... esp the part where you tellin the people you love most that you're leavin... SUCKS... lol i woke up at 650 and that dream really shook me... heh couldn't sleep that well after that... can't regret wad i do.... i can't...

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 9:15 PM


Monday, July 28, 2008


I WANT TO GO OVERSEAS!!! that is all...
This public message was brought to you by King Coil *TWANG* The leading brand for beds and... Austrailia Gold Coast

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 8:48 PM


Wednesday, July 2, 2008


TEP HAS MADE ME LEARN ALOT OF THINGS... Millions... and millions... and millions but the ironic thing is... not one of those things have anything to do with marketing OR business... but still lessons learnt... I'm just bullshittin to fill up space... Haven't been bloggin cause alot of things has been happenin recently... Its awesome.... Everything is...

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 11:48 PM


Friday, June 20, 2008

Memories Of Gio

I know I should be sleepin now... But i can't and I'm not tired so wtf... Honestly at the beginnin I was so so SO reluctant to work in Giordano... But now... I miss it.. I miss workin there, I miss foldin clothes, I miss the stuff we do there... On the third last day, we went crazy and did this...

This is totally John's idea... He made us raise our umbrellas as if they are the light comin out of our "Captain Planet" rings... heh we even did the song...I have no idea why but yea.... We're posing with the scarf... weird............... And now, for the last day in Giordano... Here are some of the pictures.Thats Ashley and my foot with our precious name tags..

Thats every Gio member's feet with their name tag infront..

AND LASTLY... Its my dear locker... It held my stuff for 9 weeks... Although when i first got it, it has a broken door and i was like "WHAT?!?!?!" But i kinda fixed it so... yea...

Actually there is this clip where Giordano members, Fusion member... just one... and Pretty Face members pt their arms round each other while singing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz... It should be the song playin right now...

Anyways... I don't think i'll ever forget Giordano... so much memories... heh oh well... Things have to go on... anyways watched GET SMART... nice show... super hilarious... 9.8... definite thumbs up on the part of Steve Carrell.. He is one funny SOB... heh gotta sleep now... Night

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 4:49 AM


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wu Shi Finger Hold!!

Kung Fu Panda IS DA SHIT!!! One of the funniest movies ever! If there is ever a better movie it'll probably be in your dreams. Laughed almost all the time. Although you can't see the hot actresses they casted, its still DA BOMB. no doubt. 9.9 out of 10.. Tomorrow will be the last day in Gioradno. I'm so gonna miss that place... I actually took a couple of pictures there, here it is.

If you're wonderin why I would pose for a shot like this, its actually for the Giordano Flyers... Now, Here's photos from WAY BACK...

Can't believe my parents dres us up this way... When we're just helpless kids... THOSE FIENDS!I have no idea why my sis is smilin like that but, i don't think i wanna find out either... And for my face? Looks like i just shitted out something twice my size... NO IDEA WHY...Tryin to squeeze my head after gettin a comment about me havin a big head...Irritated that i can't squeeze my head... So i just cover it with my COOL CAP...

That last pic was from like 1993.. when i was 3 years old.. thats like a KAGILLION years ago... Dam it growin up so fast... I WANNA STAY A KID... Anyways... For those who know... Simpson and I... I don't know how to say this but... Its complicated will upodate more bout it....

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 10:21 PM


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Just watched Chocolate yesterday with Bern and Miao... Stupid storyline man... but nice fight scenes. The girl is like freakin only 6 years old!!! ok maybe not... Maybe 16? not sure but anyways... They all do their own stunts without doubles... DANG.... Overall I'll give it probablly 9.1... I mean afterall its quite a budget film... Anyways... Attachtment in Gio is gonna end in 2 and a half weeks time... Its gonna be so so so so so so sad.... I'll definitly miss workin there no doubt... Probably the company there kinda makes me feel that way... BUT THATS NOT THE POINT...
Behold fellow Homosapiens of Planet Earth... The period of sadness have arrived. Although its gonna end soon (hopefully)... Its been some hell of a week last week is... So many things happen... Oh btw... Jam & Hop IS FINALLY OVER!!! NO MORE MEETINGS... NO MORE PLANNIN STUFF FOR THE MEETINGS... NO MORE BEING TOLD TO PLAN FOR MEETINGS!!!! It was quite a success I guess...
1 more thing... Aniwde Mil IS SUCH A BITCH!!!! I'm gonna kill her... Shame on her makin girls cry... sheesh... Being a 50 year old hag i thought she'd grown up...
Anyways... I'm back on track for le Packs and i'm also sorta learnin lil spanish hahah... Quisiera bonita la chancho. I would like a beautiful pig... heh heh
GOOD le NOCHE Fellas...

Has Carved Into The Sands Of Time At 10:09 PM


Dude Who Updates This
Dicki Goh, an innocent boy who always does his homework and never plays games. Always tells the truth... Never jokes around... A very very serious man indeed... Now turn all those to opposites and you'll have ME

Speak Quickly Or Your Words Will Fall Into Deaf Ears

Connections... Connections...
|Apple Pie|
|Bern with out r|
|Bern The S.O.B.(Scared Of Butterfly)|
|Choongy Boyyyyy)|
|Erin Azrh|
|Fang Lang|
|G Cheng|
|Greg Lord Of Jiao Chun|
|Ida The Fruit Lova|
|MEOWOOF!!!! huh?|
|The Momoders|
|Nat Lee The Coconut Tree|
|Pei Shi The Ninja Turtle!|
|Poh Fong|
|Round Full (Yuen Mun)|
|Scissor Bratha From Anatha Matha M.J.|
|Thompysaures Rex|
|Yan Rong The Melting Salt|

Rewinding The Hands Of Time
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
March 2009
May 2009
October 2009
January 2010

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!